News & Media


Paper published! (August 2021)

Our paper looking at the representation of women among geoscience faculty in the United States was just published in AGU Advances, along with a companion paper by Dr. Meredith Hastings which puts the paper into context and discusses the importance of community, the need to reframe our thinking of diversity and science, and the next steps that the geoscience community must take.

new preprint! (july 2021)

Check out our new preprint titled “Deformational-energy partitioning in glacier shear zones”, considering how much of the work done during ice deformation is dissipated as heat!

MIT news article about paper on gender representation (july 2021)

MIT News published an article about our forthcoming paper analyzing the representation of women among geoscience faculty in the United States. In the paper, we propose a new, quantitative metric to replace the ‘leaky pipeline’ as a way of determining the loss of women in the academic track.

Op-ed in scientific american on our h.r. 8455 campaign (march 2021)

We just published an op-ed in Scientific American, arguing for a collective push from organizations, companies, governmental bodies, and individuals to (1) support H.R. 8455 and legislation that will alter place names with racial slurs in them, (2) push scientific bodies to develop best practices for handling racist place names in scientific publications, maps, and the scientific record. Check out the campaign here!

eos article on our h.r. 8455 campaign (march 2021)

An article was just published in Eos highlighting a campaign I’ve started alongside MIT graduate students Julia Wilcots, Rohini Shivamoggi, and Diana Dumit. The campaign focuses on building support in the geoscience community for HR 8455, a bill dedicated to changing racist place names in the United States. Part of this campaign also hopes to create best practices within the geosciences for handling racial slurs in names of geographic features in scientific publications and resources. Check out the campaign here!

another new preprint! (March 2021)

Check out the preprint of a project I’ve been working on with six women graduate students at MIT EAPS, titled ‘Trends in the representation of women amongst geoscience faculty from 1999-2020: the long road towards gender parity’!

We’ve been investigating the representation of women among geoscience faculty. We find that ~27% of geoscience faculty are women, with ~46% being assistant professors, ~34% being associate professors, and ~19% being full professors. We propose a new metric for considering the lack of representation of women along the tenure-track. We borrow from geochemistry and define a fractionation factor to be the loss of % of women from one tenure-track stage to the next. This is a more useful metric than the 'leaky pipeline' analogy, since the fractionation factor considers the bias in attrition between men and women, rather than focusing on the total numbers of women leaving academia. In this way, the fractionation factor does not consider the fact that people leave academia to be a problem (other career choices are equally valid), but rather the problem is that women leave academia at a higher rate than men do.

New Preprint! (March 2021)

Check out our new preprint titled ‘Recrystallization of ice enhances the creep and vulnerability to fracture of ice shelves’, detailing the connection between recrystallization, grain size, and ice fracture!

mit news article about my work (june 2020)

Check out this article in MIT News about my work on connecting changes in the microstructure of ice to large-scale glacier dynamics!

mit spectrum article about my work (Winter 2019)

Check out this article in MIT Spectrum about the potential use of machine learning to improve climate projections.

TEDX Boca raton (October 2019)

The theme “Rethinking Relationships” made me think about how our knowledge of glaciers has changed over the last few decades, and how our ice sheets themselves have changed. I spoke about humanity’s changing relationship with our Earth’s ice at TEDxBocaRaton in October 2019. You can see the video here: Also check out the MIT EAPS news article about it!


mit better world (march 2019)

I gave a short presentation on the current use of machine learning in climate modeling at MIT Better World events in San Diego and Los Angeles. These events focused on sustainability and the environment.
