
Changing ice sheets: Ice is a key factor of the climate system and ice dynamics have significant implications for water resources and global sea levels. I study the dynamics, energetics, and feedbacks involved within ice sheets.

As the climate warms, we see glaciers flowing and fracturing at increased rates - what are the physical processes causing these changes? My work focuses on illuminating these processes on the micro-scale and connecting micro-scale processes with macro-scale dynamics. Below lists some research focuses:


Ice Rheology and Flow

I use theory, remote sensing observations, and models to illuminate the processes affecting ice rheology and the rate of ice flow.


Ice Fracture

Delving into the micro-scale processes governing the vulnerability to fracture of glacier ice using simple physical models and observations


Computational Methods for Glaciology

In the last few decades, we have gathered a significant amount of remote sensing observations of the cryosphere. I am interested in using computational methods (inverse methods, data assimilation, Bayesian techniques) to make use of this data to understand processes driving current changes to ice sheets and to advance the state of ice sheet modeling.


Glacier Hydrology

I study the contributions of rapid ice flow to subglacial hydrologic channels and subglacial lakes and the affect of meltwater on the rapid flow of ice streams and glaciers.

Justice, decolonization, diversity, equity, and inclusion in the geosciences


Representation among geoscience faculty in the United States

I gather and analyze data on the demographics and trends of the geoscience community to make inferences about equity and bias in hiring, recruitment, tenure and promotions, and other aspects of the academic career path and life in academia.